The name of this post was thought of by Kody
(my brother), because he says the valley looks like part of his video
game where they fight at Waterloo.
One of my favorite places to take pictures is a valley down the road from my house. The photo on the top is the beginning. Going down the hill and to the left takes you through a forest and past a creek. Eventually it comes up to a small field. Through the field and into another part of the forest are a few trails, leading in different directions.
My favorite path is the one that goes straight down the valley, and up the hill. It wanders a bit through some bushes and trees, and heads through a small gate adorned with blackberry bushes. Then it comes up to the picture on the bottom. Another large field, completely open and empty except for four trees. The top of that hill looks out over a part of Abbotsford that isn't fully developed yet. And on a clear day, (even a not-so-clear day) there stands Baker, big as anything, backed on all sides by more mountains. Blue and green and grey, often with white tips. The kind of mountains that look like they came straight out of a painting.
All of these places have one thing in common: They allow me to be in the quiet and truly focus on praying. Praying has always been hard for me, there's always something around to distract me. People, music, the TV, the computer; all man-made things. But when the distractions are God-made, it's so much easier to relax and let the thoughts flow, while still remaining on track.
"I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in." - George Washington Carver