Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Stuff Mennonites Like #2
Oddly, most of them are dessert.
These are the ones that come up often. Before you read further, you should just know: Mennonite's have qutie a way with food. Delicous, filling, carb-o-licious, and using limited ingredients. Genius.
1. Plumemoss (PLOOM-a-moose)
2. Platz (pronounced more like Plotz)
3. Ofenschlupfer (just like that)
4. Blette Torte (BLE-ta-torte)
5. Fleischballe (ei=long "i" sound)
First thing you thought
1. Where would a mennonite get a moose? (wait... is this one of those jokes?)
2. I don't want to eat that.
3. Sounds like the typical backwards German way of saying something like "it fell off the"
4. That belongs in the bathroom!
5. Flesh. Balls.
What it really is
1. Cold Fruit Soup. Mostly made with dried fruits such as plums, cherries, blueberries. It's very dark and sweet, a little bit thick and sticky.
2. Soft thin crust, topped with mounds of fruit of your choice (usually rhubarb, blueberry, or apple) and sprinkled with a sugar/butter topping. Mmmmmm.
3. Bread pudding. (But really the "schlup" sounds like the sound it would make if it "fer Ofen" the table)
4. Simply a torte. With many thin layers, separated by homemade vanilla or chocolate pudding.
5. Meat. Balls. I don't know why the Germans decided to use the word Flesh to describe all meat. It almost turned me to vegetarianism.
I think maybe we do this on purpose. We know their recipes are top-notch, but (being stingy/cheap by nature) we don't want anyone else to know. So we veil our innovations with disgusting names. Yup. We're the smart ones.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Stuff Mennonites Like
So there are a few blogs out there these days with similar names; Stuff White People Like, Stuff Christians Like... I thought there needed to be a Stuff Mennonites Like. Here's my first attempt.
Deals, Bargains, Penny Pinching, Coupon Clipping, Saving Money, and... Being cheap
Ask anyone what comes to mind when they hear the word Mennonite, and those are likely to be some of the first few items. We mennonites used to be ridiculed for these characteristis, but with the world economy going where it is, I feel like people are starting to appreciate this about us more and more.
They watch us as we go through the grocery store on our carefully planned out route, caluclator in hand (the one that I keep in my purse), hoping to pick up some saving tips.
They observe as we scoure the newspapers and flyers, clipping out every single coupon. Even though we don't need a new mattress (we sleep on beds of straw), maybe someone out there has a coupon for 40% off a Dirt Devil vacuum (The straw leaves shrapnel all over, and I have allergies). We could trade. It's like a giant game of Go-Fish. I don't usually shop at Superstore, but this week Grapes are on sale. I don't see Safeway offering a wicked deal on avocados...
When a group of friends go out to dinner, the mennonite couple gets top priority in restaraunt choice; they'll be sure to pick the cheapest one with the best food (Mennonites are also quite fond of food).
Maybe people are even becoming jealous of our scrimping ways. They're not doing so hot; they'll start trying to subtly invite themselves over to a mennonite house for dinner, knowing there will be no shortage of farmer sausage, perogies, or saurkraut. And there will at the very least be some two day old Butterhorns for dessert. Everyone knows mennonite food will keep a non-mennonite going for two days without another meal.
It's true. When it comes to saving money and buying only the bare essentials, Mennonites take the gold medal. (We would melt it down, add a bit of water to stretch it, and then form it into Loonies that look just like the real thing. Why pay for something you can make yourself?)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Back to earth
Hold onto palm, fingers, wrist
Except for one
Cheek tickled by blade
Of green, slim, lush
Thick carpet
Until woods edge
All silence
Not wire-hum
Not metal-noise
Just life-breath
Color new
Vibrant, young
Alive and dancing
Organic intense
Splash art
They dance too
“I am yours and
You are mine.
Only for each other
Joined together fit.”
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Inspired by some photos of one of my friends (these are hers) – she was travelling around Asia for about 6 months… I’m a wee bit jealous.
To go
Be away, disappear
Don’t tell
We’re gone.
The air
Carries scents, different sound
With opportunity.
To feel
Release held breath
Soar but stand,
The movement,
Soft earth
Ease of the wet
Feet first.
To taste
Full-bodied infusion
Moisten lips and tongue flavor
Biting fire-heat.
The glimmer
Glimpse color
Blush of dusk flicker,
Blue light
To lose
Ourselves you and I
Hidden up in saturated green.
Tree shanty
The distance
We’re away
Disappeared they don’t know.
Go, gone.
No Work
So slowly
Shift body
Groan of plastic
Water displaced crawls over
Cool caress on sun-saturated skin
Melt again
Eyes close lashes kiss cheek
Turn head
Face burns
Radiates and glows
Embracing breeze, a breath
Drifts down every bare inch
In swirls
Leaves where water waits
On to the next
Head rolling
Heart pounding
Hard to see
Leg raised and slowly lowered
Lift up and set down
Moves too
Up and down
Up down
Wet material dry
Drops on neck
Scent warm hair
Fingers through
Arms raised
Arch back
Stretch taut
Breathe in hold
Out murmur