Friday, May 2, 2008



Why is it that when you're sick, everything seems to have a dark shade pulled over it? Things that usually will make you laugh are somehow no longer funny. The people that you like to be around become annoyances, distracting you from sleep; and the things you usually find joy in are just interruptions that keep you from wallowing in misery. It's interesting how a simple (but still dreadful) head-cold can make one feel like they are dying.

A few days ago I came down with a cold. At first I thought it was just allergies, but when the stuffy nose and pounding head persisted through the night (no matter the amount of different pills I took), I was forced to accept my fate. After two days it was so bad I couldn't go to work. I couldn't even sleep. I was reduced to a congested and ailing mess, surrounded by more Kleenex's than I even knew we had. The weather then took a turn for the worse. I'm convinced that this overcast and dreary day was pulled along in the wake of my sickness. Somehow bad weather always comes with illness. The above pictures were taken on gloomy rainy days, but they're still nice. If I were to go to those places now, I would not enjoy myself. I would probably be thinking something like "Ha! Now everyone else has to be gloomy just like me." rather than "Mm a lovely spring shower."

"Health is not valued till sickness comes." - Thomas Fuller. 
How true is that. Only a few days ago I was happy and alive, taking walks in forests and smiling. Now, my body has been taken hostage by some crazy virus that is determined to conquer me. I'm too young to die of a head-cold. Oh I can see the headlines now.

p.s. Yes, some of these sentences aren't very coherent. I know. But I'm sick. Give me a break.


Dawnelle said...

Justine, you are too funny! How are you feeling now?

Justine Navarro said...

I'm much better thanks :)